Large-scale planning across a number of towns and cities
Its at this scale where many problems arise, and where they can most effectively be dealt with. Regional planning involves the coordination of regional transportation planning with land planning and development on a large scale.
Regional Planning deals with these issues together as one single interrelated system:
Sprawl Smart Growth Transportation Planning Transit Oriented Development Urban Planning Town Planning Environmental Planning
DC's Rosslyn-Ballston Corridor
Washington DC Metro System
Coordinated regional planning improves the entire area
The most effective way to shape regional growth, prevent sprawl, and grow smart and green is to plan a series of transit oriented developments along a high quality rail system. This reduces problems and increases mobility. Regional rail systems are the backbone of a reshaped region around walkable communities and less dependent on cars and driving.
The Rosslyn - Ballston corridor (pictured above) is a great example of successful regional planning and sustainable development. A suburban, car oriented commercial strip was transformed into 5 dense cities over a 25 year time frame. This transformation took place because the new Orange Line of the DC metro system was carefully located along this corridor, and the land surrounding each metro station was zoned for dense infill - the most dense closest to the station, and tapering down to blend in with surrounding neighborhoods further out.