BUILDING THE 21ST CENTURY HOME by David Rudlin & Nicholas Falk - (The Sustainable Urban Neighborhood) COMMON PLACE by Doug Kelbaugh - (Toward Neighborhood and Regional Design) THE REGIONAL CITY by Calthorpe & Fulton - (Planning for the End of Sprawl) THE NEXT AMERICAN METROPOLIS by Peter Calthorpe - (Ecology, Community, and the American Dream) ARCHITECTURE: CHOICE OR FATE by Leon Krier THE DEATH AND LIFE OF GREAT AMERICAN CITIES by Jane Jacobs - (A Classic) TOWNS AND TOWN MAKING PRINCIPLES by Andres Duany & Elizabeth Plater-Zyberk THE SEASIDE DEBATES (A Critique of the New Urbanism) THE CITY SHAPED by Spiro Kostof - (Urban Patterns and Meanings Through History) THE CITY ASSEMBLED by Spiro Kostof - (The Elements of Urban Form Through History) THE CITY SQUARE by Michael Webb - (A Historical Evolution) DESIGN OF CITIES by Edmund Bacon THE ART OF BUILDING CITIES by Camillo Sitte - (City Building According to its Artistic Fundamentals)
THE CITY AS A WORK OF ART by Donald J. Olsen - (London, Paris, Vienna)
LIVABLE CITIES OBSERVED by Lennard & Lennard - (Excellent survey of cities around the globe, and what makes them livable)
HOW CITIES WORK by Alex Marshall - (Suburbs, Sprawl, and the Roads Not Taken)
THE CITY IN HISTORYby Lewis Mumford - (Its Origins, Its Transformations, and Its Prospects)
REDESIGNING CITIES by Jonathan Barnett - (Principles, Practice, Implementation)
THE IMAGE OF THE CITY by Kevin Lynch - (One of the most important modern contributions to large-scale design theory)
GOOD CITY FORM by Kevin Lynch - (A major work exploring city form) GREAT STREETS by Allan Jacobs - (Excellent study of the greatest streets from around the world) THE BOULEVARD BOOK by Jacobs, MacDonald, & Rofe - (History, Evolution, Design of Multiway Boulevards. Follow up to 'Great Streets') PLACE MAKING by Charles Bohl - (Developing Town Centers, Main Streets, and Urban Villages) COURTYARD HOUSING IN LOS ANGELES by Stefanos Polyzoides - (A comprehensive study of this wonderful housing type) HOW BUILDINGS LEARN by Stewart Brand - (What Happens After They're Built) THE AMERICAN PORCH by Michael Dolan - (An Informal History of an Informal Place) SIDEWALKS IN THE KINGDOM by Eric O. Jacobsen - (New Urbanism and the Christian Faith)
TRANSIT VILLAGES IN THE 21st CENTURY by Michael Bernick & Robert Cervero - (Comprehensive study of this exciting trend in land planning, including an extensive history of early American trains & trolleys) BULLET TRAINS by Brian Solomon - (A profile of the world's fastest trains) SUPER-TRAINS by Joseph Vranich - (Solutions to America's Transportation Gridlock) NOTHING LIKE IT IN THE WORLD by Stephen Ambrose - (The men who built the transcontinental railroad 1863-1869) GETTING THERE by Stephen Goddard - (The Epic Struggle Between Road and Rail in the American Century) URBAN TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS by Sigurd Grava - (Comprehensive Analysis of all Forms of Transportation) BREAKING GRIDLOCK by Jim Motavalli - (Moving Towards Transportation That Works) ASPHALT NATION by Jane Holtz Kay - (How the Automobile Took Over America, and How We Can Take It Back) DIVORCE YOUR CAR by Katie Alvord - (Ending the Love Affair with the Automobile) BEYOND THE AUTOMOBILE by Tabor Stone - (Reshaping the Transportation Environment)
SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES by Van der Ryn & Calthorpe - (A New Design Synthesis for Cities, Suburbs, and Towns)
ECO-CITY DIMENSIONS by Mark Roseland - (Healthy Communities, Healthy Planet)
ECOLOGICAL DESIGN by Van Der Ryn & Cowan - (A vision of how the living world and humanity can be reunited by making ecology the basis for design)
ECO-ECONOMY by Lester R. Brown - (Building a New Economy for the Environmental Age)
STATE OF THE WORLD 2007 by the Worldwatch Institute - (Our Urban Future)